With the main infrastructure for the CORDS Platform in place, here’s an overview of the ongoing developments soon to be released.
AI-enabled Recommendation Engine
Using artificial intelligence (AI), the CORDS recommendation engine will soon grow from a rules-based system to delivering users tailored results that adapt as the user’s journey progresses. The system’s learning will be informed by a variety of data inputs, including:
Anonymous user navigation patterns within Data Partner systems
Referral records that demonstrate the relationship between different categories of opportunities and resources (e.g., do clients seeking shelter services also require referrals to food security services?) from Data Partners
Anonymous CORDS user navigation patterns and feedback
Machine learning is being incorporated to continually evolve the recommendation system based on inputs from Data Partners and anonymous user feedback and navigation data as they access the CORDS search tool.
WordPress Plugin to for easy CORDS integration
A “No Wrong Door” approach to youth services needs as many doors as possible. To grow the CORDS Community Partner Network, it needs to be easy to enable CORDS on a website. Because WordPress is by far the dominant content management system (CMS) on the web, we are developing a plugin that makes putting CORDS on your website a matter of clicks.
Build efficiently with React and React Native CORDS component libraries
React and React Native are immensely popular for efficiently building applications for the web and mobile devices. To make building with CORDS quick and painless, we’re publishing React and React Native component libraries.
In fact, there’s already a mobile application based on CORDS delivered by one of our Data Partners that was built with our React Native component library. Check out the 211 Canada iOS and Android app.