Become a Data Partner

Data Partners are organizations that are actively engaged in the curation and maintenance of repositories of publicly accessible opportunities and resources (e.g., those related to employment, training, social services, etc.) that support youth advancement.

Data Partners have the opportunity to connect their data set to the CORDS search tool and network, making those records discoverable by youth across Canada.

Benefits of Being a Data Partner

  • Increased visibility of your data through CORDS searches and recommendations
  • Insights into the search patterns and needs of individuals based on the language they use to find resources. These insights can inform future promotional efforts
  • Increased recognition as an authority in your subject area (e.g., employment, social services, education programs)
  • Ability to identify the services and programs being sought alongside your own, opening the door to future collaborations that can offer clients more holistic support

If you’re interested in become a data partner, here’s how you can get started:

  • Contact the CORDS Consortium to set up a meeting where we can discuss your organization’s fit with the project.
  • Once a fit is determined, we’ll schedule a meeting between CORDS developers and developers from your team to establish a trial data link. During this process, CORDS will ingest trial data from your organization to ensure that it fits well into the CORDS ecosystem, and that you are happy with how your data is presented.
  • Based on the results of this trial, if you’re still interested, members of the CORDS Consortium will vote on admission of your organization as a Data Partner.
  • If admitted, a representative from your organization and the CORDS Consortium will arrange a signing of our Data Partner Agreement, which sets out the rights and responsibilities of a Data Partner.